Expertise and Passion for Real Estate

We are a team of merchants, project developers, architects, and engineers working together across disciplines to bring attractive real estate projects to life.

We are passionate networkers, highly flexible in our approach. Our corporate culture is defined by reliability and a focus on results. We embrace complex challenges and are firmly committed to the compatibility of sustainability, quality, and value creation. To this end, we are always ready to explore new avenues. Most importantly, we willingly take responsibility for our own projects and those we undertake on behalf of our clients, both now and in the future.

From acquisition to divestiture

We focus on financial independence, which enables us to act autonomously, quickly, and flexibly. Our expertise spans various areas of real estate management. We combine first-class knowledge in the fields of acquisition, financial matters, project development, as well as investment and divestment strategies. This comprehensive approach ensures well-informed decisions and tailor-made solutions for our clients.

Innovation through collaboration

Know-how and team spirit are the cornerstones of our philosophy. With an experienced team of approximately 15 qualified employees, we cover the entire lifecycle of a property. Our focus lies in the construction of residential and commercial properties, the development of mixed-use districts, and property management. Additionally, we possess in-depth knowledge in the areas of acquisition, finance, as well as investment and divestment strategies.

As a family-owned business group, we are characterized by an open corporate culture. We place great emphasis on short decision-making paths, flat hierarchies, and financial independence, enabling us to act flexibly, autonomously, and efficiently. This allows us to make well-founded decisions, develop customized solutions, and implement them successfully.

Board Members

Lars Böge (Strategy, Acquisition, Project Development, Property Management)
Michael Streithorst (Financing, Investment, Shareholding, Taxes)

Ready for a new challenge?

Join our team and contact us.

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